Dasanjali Lesson 23
Practice what you learn in class every week at home, preferably for 15 to 30 minutes every day.
Warm up
Warm up by singing S P S' as we always do.
Practice S R G M P D N S' ... S' N D P M G R S from Lesson 5 and do the aakaar as well on your own.
Practice S M G R S R G M R P M G R G M P ... from Lesson 10.
Pancham Shruthi
- Learn and practice the Aaroha, Avaroha and Pakad of Raag Brindavani Sarang from Lesson 22.
- Practice the short Marathi Abhang, Pandari Pandari from Lesson 21.
- Practice the short bhajan, Darshana Dena Prana Piyare from Lesson 21.
- Learn a new, long and slow song, Dheera Samire in Raag Pahadi, a lilting raag.
- Sing the song, Rama Kaho from Lesson 2.
- Practice the aalaap for Raag Yaman Kalyan and then sing the song Sree Raama Chandra Krupaalu, a composition by Saint Thulasi Das.
Caution: The scale for the song starts 2 notes above our usual scale: S on 8th white key from the left on the virtual keyboard.
- Practice the seemingly strange 7-beat taal (Mishra Chaapu) alone for a while until you are comfortable with it and then start singing the song to that beat. The best way to practice the taal is by repeatedly saying Thakita Thaka Dhimi or 1-2-3-1-2-1-2. With these techniques, the taal will become easy to sing to.
- Sing the song, Hey Prabhu Thum Sab Antaryami, from Lesson 5.
Last but not the least, remember that attending the class regularly is very important. A lot more techniques may be taught in the "live" class that may not be all mentioned here on the web. Enjoy singing!
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