Note that it has the Shuddha N in the Aaroha and the komal n in the Avaroha. There is no Gandhar and no Dhaivat. All other notes in the raag are Shuddha notes as well.
Learn and practice the Aaroha, Avaroha and Pakad.
(Aaroha) N, S R M P N S'
(Avaroha) S' n P M R S
(Pakad) R M P n P P M R N, S R S
Re-learn the short Marathi song (a.k.a. Marathi Abhang), Pandari Pandari that we learnt in Lesson 21.
Raag Malkauns: Sing the song, Mai Gulam, from Lesson 13 and listen to its on-stage rendition as well. Caution: In the on-stage rendition of the song, the lower S starts on the 5th black key (a half-note higher than what we learn in the class) from the left on the virtual keyboard.
Last but not the least, remember that attending the class regularly is very important. A lot more techniques may be taught in the "live" class that may not be all mentioned here on the web. Enjoy singing!