This page will contain some snippets from or related to Global Mandayam Meet 2008. In keeping with the theme of this site, they are mostly audio/video recordings.

Group singing by Smt. Ranganayaki Rajan and party

The following recording was made by Smt. Meera Venkatesh of San Diego, CA, U.S.A., who is one of Smt. Ranganayaki Rajan's Carnatic Music students and who also accompanied the group in this 12.5m concert at the Meet. The songs were composed by Smt. Rajamma Sampath Iyengar (Ranganayaki Rajan's mother), who has composed over 100 songs in Kannada, Telugu and Tamil. She is currently 96 years old and living with her son in the US.
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Audio-Video greetings to Global Mandayam Meet 2008 from UK Mandayams

A couple of enterprising Mandayam families from the UK have sent their greetings to Global Mandayam Meet 2008 through the following YouTube recordings.

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