Practice what you learn in class every week at home, preferably for 15 to 30 minutes every day.
Raag Shuddha Saarang is in Kafi Thaat.
Traditionally, all Hindusthani raags are typically sung at specific times of the day.
For example, raag Shuddha Saarang is an afternoon raag.
However, this tradition is very hard for us to follow today for all raags, especially when music is not our only avocation.
With music classes such as this one being held at a fixed time each week, this tradition is hard for students and teachers to practice.
With most concerts being given in the evenings, this tradition is hard for professional musicians to follow.
Some raags are based on seasons as well (rain, etc.).
Every raag has some part of its notation (aaroha and avaroha) that has a hold on you. This part is known as the pakad of that raag. Most experienced musicians can recognize a raag by simply listening to its pakad.
We will now learn the aaroha and avaroha of Shuddha Saarang followed by its pakad. Unlike all other raags we have learnt so far, the aaroha and avaroha of this raag are not simply a set of notes going up and the same set coming down. Thus, it is not straight-forward and to make it more complicated, we add the tibre m on the way down and the shuddha M appears both ways. There is no G either way and all other notes are shuddha notes.
(Aaroha) N, S R M P N S'
(Avaroha) S' N D P m P R M R S
(Pakad) RM Rm P mPRMR N,R S
Now, sing the song on Goddess Saraswathi in Raag Shuddha Saarang and Taal Keharwa, Saraswathi Shaarada Maayee, preceded by the short, familiar sloka, "Saraswathi Namastubhyam".
Next, we learn a short and simple bhajan Gajaananaa Hey Shubhaananaa - more on it in lesson 12.
Finally, we learn a new raag in Madhyam Shruthi (we have learnt Pancham Shruthi so far) called Maalkauns in Bhairavi thaat - more on it in lesson 12.
Last but not the least, remember that attending the class regularly is very important. A lot more techniques may be taught in the "live" class that may not be all mentioned here on the web. Enjoy singing!